Before I got my first job as an iOS Developer I did not know much about code signing and provisioning profiles. As a member of Apple’s free developer program I mostly used the simulator and occasionally ran my app on my device. Whenever I would run into problems I would rely on Xcode to fix them for me. But after a while I quickly found out that it usually is better to solve the problem yourself instead of relying on Xcode. To gain a better understanding of what I was actually doing I did some research on code signing and provisioning profiles and I wrote it down as a reference to myself and everyone else who is interested in it.
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As a developer I really enjoy writing clear, readable and reusable code. Lately I have been learning more about Swift’s generics and how it can make my code more flexible and reusable. In this post I will explain to you the concept of generics and give you some examples of how I use this nice feature of Swift in my projects.
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Last year at WWDC Apple introduced a new syntax for handling errors. Lately I have noticed that sometimes I still get a bit confused about how this works so I figured it would be nice to learn more about this subject by writing a blog post.
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A while ago I stumbled upon an extremely handy website, which gives an overview of talks given at various iOS/MAC/Swift conferences throughout the world. I really enjoy watching these talks so when I heard about MDevcon, a conference in my hometown Amsterdam, I got very excited and signed myself up for both days of the conference. This post is a write up of some of my experiences in those two days.
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In the beginning of 2015 I promised myself that I was going to learn how to code. When I was in college I had played around a bit with HTML and CSS, so I decided continuing that would be a good way to start. After the first period where a lot of what I was doing didn’t make sense to me at all, things started to click and I started to develop a passion for coding.
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